Peredur Hosts “Important” and “Inspiring” Event Celebrating Welsh Muslims


A Plaid Cymru MS has taken part in an event celebrating the contribution of Welsh Muslims to civic society.

Peredur Owen Griffiths MS said it was a privilege to chair the fringe event at Plaid Cymru conference which featured contributions from some notable speakers.

Taking part were Abyd Quinn-Aziz who is a lecturer in social work and chair of Plaid BME, Dr Mohammad Alhadj Ali who is a consultant physician and chair of the Syrian Welsh Society and  Dr Kasim Ramzan who is a partner at a GP surgery and a member of Muslim Doctors Cymru.

During the event, the trio spoke of the projects and efforts they have been involved in to better civic society in Wales. Mr Quinn-Aziz spoke about the centuries long history of Muslims in Wales as well as his decades of work in social work. Dr Ali talked about his pioneering youth work with refugees in Cardiff to resettle them and promote a love of Wales.

Th session finished with Dr Ramzan outlining his voluntary work to counter myths during the Covid pandemic and increase immunisation among ethnic minorities.

Afterwards, Peredur said: “This was an inspiring and uplifting fringe event at the Plaid Cymru conference which was much needed. All too often Muslims are mentioned in an unjust  negative manner. It was refreshing and long overdue to hear a positive portrayal of the contribution of Muslims to civic life in Wales. 

“It is an important story that needs to be told throughout the land.”

Peredur added: “This fringe featured three brilliant speakers who have made immense contributions to the well-being, health and happiness of the communities they live in and beyond.

“It was a privilege to share a platform with them.

“During the event it was acknowledged that Wales did not suffer the anti-muslim riots that engulfed much of England over the summer but we should not be complacent in Wales about community cohesion.”

 If you want to support Plaid Cymru and Peredur, please click this link.

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  • Gareth Llewellyn
    published this page in News 2024-10-15 12:06:05 +0100

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