Labour Failing Those Most in Need, Says Peredur


A Plaid Cymru MS has slammed the Labour Government in Wales for blocking measures that would have saved the most needy households in Wales hundreds of pounds

Peredur Owen Griffiths said Labour’s block on planned council tax reform means that “those with the least will continue to shoulder a disproportionate burden on paying council tax.”

In his region of South Wales East, Peredur represents the two local authorities with the highest Band D council tax charges – Merthyr and Blaenau Gwent. Both local authorities are among the most deprived in Wales.

Reform of council tax was put on the agenda by Plaid Cymru as part of the co-operation agreement struck up with the Labour Government. Progressive reform of those plans were however kicked into the long grass and will not happen until 2028 at the earliest.

“Council tax reform is much needed in Wales,” said Peredur, who is the party’s spokesperson on Transport and Local Government. “Plaid Cymru’s policy would have seen those who can afford to pay more, do so in order to cut the extortionate bills we are seeing in some of the poorest parts of Wales.

“Labour chose, for some inexplicable reason, to put such a progressive change on the back burner for the foreseeable future.

“That is a dereliction of duty on their part and a failure of the many communities they represent.

“I – and my colleagues in Plaid Cymru – will not let this issue lie and we will continue to champion council tax reform in order to deliver justice for the many households that are struggling due to low wages and the cost of living crisis.” 

If you want to support Plaid Cymru and Peredur, please click this link.

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  • Gareth Llewellyn
    published this page in News 2024-08-15 13:29:34 +0100

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