Plaid Cymru’s Peredur Owen Griffiths has condemned a Labour council’s cuts to school transport.
The South Wales Member of the Senedd said Caerffili County Borough Councils plans to change the free school bus criteria to a minimum distance of 2 miles for primary aged children (currently 1.5 miles) and 3 miles for secondary aged children (currently 2 miles) was “disappointing.”
The issue will go to Cabinet for consideration before a possible consultation in September. The cuts could be introduced from September 2026.
Plaid Cymru MS Peredur Owen Griffiths said: “This is a retrograde step by the Labour administration because it will limit educational opportunities for children across the county borough and across all different types of schools.
“It will be particularly damaging for families without a car. It will inevitably mean that families with the least will struggle more.
“The proposed changes may also mean children will not be able to start or continue education in a Welsh medium setting due to the nature of such schools having a larger catchment area, meaning they are often not the ‘local’ school for many of their pupils.
“The Labour Council are undermining their own party’s plans in government to establish one million Welsh speakers.”
He added: “It is a simple fact that walking more than two miles in the rain and wind will be off-putting for even the most dedicated of pupils.
“This is disappointing from the Labour council - Plaid Cymru will strongly oppose these measures.”
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